This article is only about My Fabulous Storyteller Lunii-1 and Lunii-2 models.
❔ To identify the model of your Storyteller, we invite you to consult this article of our FAQ.
Does the Luniistore indicate that there isn't enough space on the device to add new stories, although the software shows that the available space is sufficient?
In the process of adding and removing story audiobooks, the calculation of the remaining available space may be distorted. In this case, please reset your Fabulous Storyteller to solve this issue.
N.B.: after resetting your device, you will need to add your desired story interactive audiobooks again on the device.
If the problem persists, please contact us and explain the issue you are experiencing. Make sure to send us the files contained in the "error reports" folder (click here to find out the location of these files). |