Attention: Luniistore does not yet support connection to a proxy server requiring authentication and uses the same address for both http and https protocols.
The configuration of the proxy is done through a file named proxy.ini which is located in a folder of the current user.
Locate the proxy.ini file
The proxy.ini file is located in a folder called Luniitheque. To edit this file you need to go to this folder.
My operating system is Windows
- Press the following keys to access the Execute dialog box:
Windows + R
- Type %AppData% and validate with the Enter key, you should now be in the file explorer
- Go to the Luniitheque folder
My operating system is MacOS
- Open the Finder
- From the "Go" menu select "Go to Folder", or use the keyboard shortcut
- Type~/Library/Application Support/Luniitheque/ (
to enter the tilde)
My operating system is Linux
File location : ~/.local/share/Luniitheque/
Edit the file proxy.ini
Use any text editor to edit the file.
By default the content of the file is :
To enable the use of a proxy server by the Luniistore, change the line :
with :
To fill in the host and port of the proxy server, change the values of the fields below :
For example if the address of my proxy server is the content of the proxy.ini file will be :
👉 Save the file, the Luniistore should now load these settings at startup.