This article is only about My Fabulous Storyteller Lunii-1 and Lunii-2 models.
❔ To identify the model of your Storyteller, we invite you to consult this article of our FAQ.
Summary of requirements:
👉 have an OTG compatible Android smartphone with an Android 8.0 version or later 👉 Have an OTG cable compatible with the smartphone's socket and the Story Factory's socket (if possible less than 1 meter in order to avoid instabilities) |
Android USB-C | Android micro USB |
First generation of My Fabulous Storyteller :
USB-C 3.0 male cable to micro USB male
OTG micro USB male to micro USB male cable
Second version of My Fabulous Storyteller (Made in France) :
USB-C 3.0 male cable to USB-C 3.0 male
OTG micro USB male to USB-C 3.0 male cable
🔌 We recommend using a cable with a maximum length of 1 metre to avoid instability in the connection.