✨ How many FLAM can I associate to my account?
You can associate 3 FLAM and 3 Storytellers to a single Lunii account and transfer the audiobooks in your Library to all your devices. FLAM audiobooks can only be transferred to FLAM devices. My Fabulous Storyteller audiobooks can be transferred to a Storyteller as well as to FLAM if the audiobooks are compatible. You can consult this FAQ article for more information 👈
✨ Can I associate FLAM to several Lunii accounts?
Like My Fabulous Storyteller, FLAM can only be associated with one Lunii account at a time. If you associate a FLAM to your Lunii account, it will delete the audiobooks already present on the device if it has been connected to another Lunii account previously, to make room for the stories of your account.
Audiobooks from the previous account will of course remain in the account's Library, but will be deleted from the device.